Representatives of our company implemented a charity initiative of donating pork meat for Orthodox Christmas, in cooperation with representatives of the Serb Orthodox Church in Tuzla. As in previous years, and in cooperation with the Archdiocese of Tuzla, a total of 11 pecenica’s (traditional pork prepared for Christmas) were distributed to vulnerable categories that this religious community gathers.

Our company continuously provides support to religious communities not only in the locations where we carry out projects, but also in Tuzla and its surroundings through various donations and sponsorships. The goal of these activities is not only the restoration of temples, but also creating infrastructure and capacity for normal community life. In 2023 alone, Lykos donated more than 25,000 convertible marks to projects that support the aforementioned.

“Kao društveno odgovorna kompanija, posvećeni smo tome da humanitarne aktivnosti koje provodimo postanu sastavni dio naše tradicije. Želimo time pokazati dosljednost u stvaranju boljih životnih uslova za ljude u ovakvim zajednicama, posebno u trenucima kada su cijene hrane, a pogotovo mesa, dosegle iznimno visok nivo, zbog čega će božićna trpeza mnogih građana ove godine biti skromnija”, izjavio je Miloš Bošnjaković, Managing director & CEO.

With deep respect for the religious customs of all interested communities, our company plans to continue with initiatives that will contribute to the common good and prosperity of members of all communities in which it operates.